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Welcome To The Association of Independent Personal Trainers

Who Is It For?


The Association of Independent Personal Trainers was born out of the Wellbeing Fitness Education Centre which licenses the owners of fitness facilities to offer high-quality Level 3 Personal Training Diplomas.

In order to run such courses, it has to be demonstrated that they will be of the highest standard and taught by experienced teachers who are actually in the industry delivering personal training sessions to real clients on a daily basis.

"I’d been looking for a personal trainer for ages, but I wanted someone I could trust. I’ve got some medical issues and I work in education myself so I was looking for a trainer who’d done a professional course, not someone who was just going to give me a whole lot of exercises that would make my condition worse. Looking on the AIPT website, I found Alex who lives not far away, and I can’t praise him highly enough. He quite clearly knows his business and from everything he does and says I can tell that he’s very highly qualified."

Lucy Chepstow

"I finished my Level 3 Personal Training Diploma a couple of months ago (which was fantastic by the way – hard work but thoroughly worthwhile) A real bonus was that once I got my certificate, how quickly I was able to join the Association and get my insurance to practise. I’d got some clients lined up ready to go, so literally TWO DAYS after I’d qualified, I was doing my first professional PT session."

Kyle Perth

"When I was made redundant from my job, I had some redundancy money to spend to get a qualification so I set about finding a suitable course. There are hundreds to choose from but I found that most of them are taught online. I wanted one where you’re actually taught by a real person face to face – and I also wanted someone who owns a gym and is actually doing the job Finally, I discovered the AIPT website. All the people on there who run courses, are actual independent gym owners and they are all experienced and well qualified. And once I started the course, I realise that they are monitored as well – they get regular inspections so I know their standards are high."

Kumar London

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